Stairway to Millions, Part 2
Continued from yesterday, I was at the final table of 6 at noon today. You can read about the final table here.
In the first hand at the final table, I got dealt pocket As. I knew I could get the very aggressive player with the big stack to put in all his chips. I did a min raise under the gun. He reraised. Everyone else folded. I thought about it for a while, then shoved. He snap called with AK. I won, doubled up, and possibly became the table chip leader!
One player busted. We were down to 5.
Another player busted. We were down to 4.
I ran card dead for an hour. I was down to 8 big blinds under the gun, about to be the big blind on the next hand, so I shoved with 10 8, hoping to get lucky. I didn't. Another player called with A♣ and got the nut flush. I busted out at #4. Overall a really good run, so I can’t complain. I broke even for the week plus I get free entry into a bigger tournament on Wednesday.