Look at your cards when you get them
I see a lot of players who wait until it’s their turn to bet before looking at their cards. I find this annoying because it wastes time while we all wait for the person to figure out what to do and then do it. I believe they do this so as not to give away their cards by the expression on their face. As if they’ll get aces and their eyeballs will shoot out of their heads and their jaw will drop to the table like in some old-fashioned cartoon. Or maybe they’re just procrastinators, not wanting to see their cards until they absolutely have to.
I usually look at each card as it’s dealt to me. This gives me more time to plan my bet when it's my turn. When I get both cards, I start watching every player’s bet. Not just how much they bet but how quickly they bet. Sometimes the expression on their face. And I adjust my plan after each bet. When it’s my time to bet, I know exactly what I plan to do and also how quickly to do it. Do I snap call? Do I purposely hesitate? Do I confidently throw my chips out? Do I push them forward reluctantly? All of these motions give an impression to the other players, the impression I want them to have.
If you’re one of those people who can't look at your cards and hold a neutral expression until it's your turn to bet, you shouldn't be playing poker in the first place.